Monday, January 6, 2020

The Last Decade in One Post

Happy first Monday of 2020!!!! I have few posts that need to be published, and I hope to get them out SOON! I might only do a "highlight" reel from our Christmas of 2018, as I can't remember everything that we did, but I want to write about it in some form.

This Decade in Review was going on IG, and I had wanted to do it, but I wasn't able to type in my answers, so I thought it would be fun to post them here!
I started getting addicted to going for coffee at Starbucks in 2008-2009!
2010-Got Sick, got better, got back into the work force. My brother got married.
2011-Got dealt with a lot of health diagnoses's. Upgraded an English course (writing, not speaking!) so I could go to school. Became an Aunty.
2012-Went and got my EA Diploma. Did my course like a boss! I spent many a night at Starbucks.
2013-Graduated with my EA Diploma. Started job at the small Christmas book store for a few months. Went for many interviews; didn't land a job. Went for a job at a local CLBC company in December.
2014-Started my job as a Community Support Worker (see above). Started as on-call, then got a permanent position in the spring (?).
2015-Moved into our place. A very dear friend died; my brother got married. Got Calico in Aug.
2016-Went on leave from work. Our foster kitty had her kittens. Went back to work at my CSW job for the rest of the summer. Anker and I helped out at our church's VBS. Started my job at the school.
2017- Our niece is born in May, and our nephew was born in October. Started attending a different church. Met new friends with said church! I am pretty sure this was the first year that I started watching (and getting addicted to!) Hallmark (Christmas) movies!
2018-Started off the new year with some health issues. I got healed in mid May!Attended our cousin's wedding on May Long; had a family picnic in a park on the Monday. Anker and I flew to Victoria, BC for Christmas. First time that we had ever flown together. Also, first time that we had flown together on Christmas Day!
2019-Lost my grandpa in March, got a "new" car, and lost my uncle to pancreatic cancer in Oct.

I am sure there are many more things that happened during these 10 years, but these were the ones that I could come up with in a short amount of time!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

That’s a lot to remember! Many things just blur together over the years and I don’t remember what happened when.

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