Sunday, January 26, 2020


We had a blizzard a couple of weeks ago, and it was a DOOZY! I stayed home from church, and my brother and his wife invited us over for waffles. I refused to drive in that mess, so our youngest brother, who was also in town, picked up me. The blizzard was horrible, and waffles were divine!

The weather the week before last was HORRIBLY cold! I am such a wuss when it comes to cold weather. I am glad that we still get a week or two of cold weather, as it helps with the germs.

As I stated before, I dog sat for a friend of a friend last weekend, and it was glorious! I might do it again next weekend. I was supposed to do it this wknd, but they got sick, and didn't go.

I have been watching movies and hanging out with my neighbour, which has been fun. We watch movies, and we also watch New Amsterdam. We watched the new Maleficent movie on Saturday night, and I actually liked it.

Good TV is back. And yes, I am still watching Christmas Hallmark movies. #nojudging

The tree is still up, sans decorations and garland. I have, however, stopped listening to Christmas music. #gottadrawthelinesomewhere

Anker and I went to A and Ks for supper last Sunday, to help celebrate A's bday (which was this last Tuesday), and we had soup, salad, yummy bread, and of course, cake!

J is such a dear right now. His speech is clearer, and he is screaming less. #allthepraisehands

I had a nice visit with K last night on the phone for 90 minutes. We had such a lovely visit. I called my mom (we text, but don't talk a ton), and we had a nice visit, too!

I was actually pretty productive this weekend. I did some decluttering, laundry, went for a walk, cleaned underneath the sink, more laundry, dishes, and I hung out with my friend on both Friday and Saturday night, went to Walmart, Church, went to/for coffee with a friend from church, then we went to Jysks (where I got a bath towel and two face clothes), hung out with another friend on Saturday (we had hoped to go bowling, but the ONE ALLEY in all of town was booked, so we just drove around, had a late lunch, and I washed the car {which was a waste, since it is super dusty today}), called people, blogged, I cleaned up a mess on our sidewalk that I had made during the Deep Freeze Week, that needed to get cleaned up (which also entailed throwing out our old welcome mat, and cleaning where it was...gross!, and I sort of organized my bins in my closet. I got a laundry hamper (#adulting), so I had to move things around. We now have two laundry hampers (including one Rubbermaid bin), and a bin for our duvet covers.

Our class went on a little outdoor adventure on Monday afternoon. We spent sometime with the K class enjoying the outdoors. On Tuesday, we went skating. So, I walked twice in two days!

As some of you are aware, I am doing Omphalocele Awareness Day posts on FB (and some on IG, too!) in preparation for OAD on Jan 31st. I hope to do some hardcore blogging about it this week.

I went to church today for the first time since the 22nd of December (ok, save for one wknd at my parents' house/church). In btwn blizzard, being away,  and dog sitting for two of those Sundays, I hadn't gone, and I missed it. I enjoyed being there today. It was nice to see everyone, and it was great to hear the word.

I have been kind of retreating lately. I have times where I will be out a lot (and around people), and then there are times where I am in a lot. I don't feel super guilty for it. I go through times where I only go to work, the occasional visit with friends/family, and then home. I might go to Ladies Bible study tomorrow, and even to worship and prayer and Wednesday. I might go bowling with my friend (from the wknd) this week as well.

I am also doing a Question of the Day every day this year on FB :) I had a friend do this a couple of years back, and I thought I would try doing it this year. Go and check it out (I will try to do some of it on IG, too!)!

January 29th is Bell Let's Talk Day. It focuses on Mental Health, another thing (among others) that is dear to my heart. I think it is so important to talk about our mental health, in any and all stages. I think I have talked about my issues with Anxiety and Depression before. I am sure there is a post on here somewhere.

The other weekend (the day before Blizzard Day), my friend and I went to another friend's for coffee. We had a wonderful visit, complete with tea, hot chocolate, and muffins in front of her fire place. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and watching the snow fall. The visit was topped off when I very nearly backed into a telephone pole. #truestory

As I also stated, our car didn't seem to like the cold weather the other week. It was making all kinds of noises, and some sensors lit up like a Christmas tree. I took it to get looked at, but they couldn't find anything wrong with it, and they reset everything. Then it happened again, and I was going to take it back, but then it suddenly went back to normal (no lights, etc). Thank you, Jesus! There is a small thing that needs to get fixed, but it isn't an emergency.

Our church is having a Super Bowl Party next Sunday. I could care less about American football, but where there are snacks....:) Also, my pastor's team is playing, so that will be kind of fun (he is American, but we love him, anyway!)

I am having major trouble trying to post comments on any type of blog. This has been an issue for the last few months. I have no clue as to why. Grrr! My computer will also decide that it doesn't like causing the internet, and will stop in its tracks. I have no clue as to why this has been going on, either.  None of my computer friends (including Anker's sister) knows why this is happening.

My friend from school and I like to go "cruising" once a week or so. We drive around, grab coffee and sometimes times nibbles, and try to solve the world's problems all within the space of an hour. Ha!

On Blizzard Day, the volcano where my sister lives in The Philippines erupted. She and those she is ministering to are safe, but they are in Manila right now. No one is sure when (or if) they can go back. I was actually a bit worried for her for a few days, but she seems to be safe from the ash. She is a strong girl, that one!

I think those are all the randoms for now!
Blizzard day, indeed!
Our tree...with the decorations still on.
                          Soup from my SIL. I normally don't like soup, but this was actually good.
Sunny days, indeed!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Nice post. I’ve been enjoying your daily questions.

A Little Catch Up & A Small Rant(and a Surprise!)

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