Thursday, January 23, 2020

2019 Year in Review

Here is a SHORT recap on what I/we did in 2019!

January-I took charge of my mental health. I found a counsellor, and I took part in a group session.
February-I helped my brother and his family move into their new house (closer to us!).
March-My grandpa died; I went to Calgary for the funeral.
April-We got our car. Easter at my parents'. "New" computers for Anker and I from his sister.
May-My brother and his wife and their little girl came and spent the weekend with us.
June-My birthday month. I helped my aunt by taking her to Kelowna regarding my Uncle's health.
July-House/animal sat a lot. Celebrated 12 years of marriage.
August-House sat a lot :) I didn't stay at home a ton.
September-Back to school! Back to Routine!
October-My uncle died; his funeral was the first of the month. Our annoying neighbour moved out. We had Canadian Thanksgiving.
November-Got winter tires on our car. I had hope to go and spend some time at my aunt's, but I got sick (or something), so I stayed home for the long weekend.
December-Christmas!!! Spent a lovely few days with my parents, including a night at my aunt's, then I house sat :)

1 comment:

Robyn said...

For a moment I was thinking it was a recap of this year and got confused when I saw February. Lol. An eventful last year and it'll be interesting to see what this year brings.

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