Friday, May 10, 2019

Five on Friday

Hi Friends, and Happy Friday! I am still around!!! I just haven't been as into blogging, and when I do feel like blogging, I am busy with other things.

I hope you are having a great SPRUMMER (yes, it is a word that made up...just go with it!)! It has come fast and furious, and we are feeling it HARD! I wish school was almost done, but alas, we still have 6 weeks left! BUT, we also don't have to go back until after Labour Day; so you win some, and you lose some!

I have about a million things to blog about, 45 to be exact (approx), so instead of giving them all to you at once, I will ease you in gradually! Ha! I am also "behind" on my IG posts, and I hope to get those done this weekend.

Here are some favourites from this last week:

1) We have a new niece! My brother, and his wife had their 3rd baby girl on May 6! They are calling her Emma, and she is so adorable! Coincidentally, another certain baby was born that day! And yes, I am not 100% sold on that name, but it HAS grown on me! What DO you get a baby who was everything? Do they even "do" showers over there???

2) Anker put one of our A/C's up the other day, and it feels like heaven! We hope that the sounds from outside isn't too loud (mainly just talking from neighbours), but Anker is going to put some more insolation in this wknd. If it is too loud, we will take it down, and suffer in silence :)

3) I spent some time with Mom on Tuesday night. She was looking after the boys (long story), and she had brought them back from the ranch. I went over at around 7, and we ate chips, and watched Our Planet, and then we visited for a bit, until we were both so tired!

4) The Lilacs are out! I repeat, the Lilacs are OUT! There is a white lilac bush near the school, and we were all picking at it this week. I grew up with lilacs, and their smell is SO intoxicating! I will wander around to our next door neighbours this wknd, and I will see about picking some pink or deep purple ones. There are a couple of neighbours in our complex who have lilac bushes, and I love the smell!!!

5) Last weekend was a COMPLETELY and TOTALLY relaxing and people-free weekend! I don't think I knew on how 1) busy I usually am with social activities, and 2) on how much I NEEDED time away from said people! I have discovered that in the last few years, that although I love and need to be with people, I LOVE and NEED to be AWAY from people! I actually got a cold last Wednesday, which was in part of why I had a no people weekend. I rested, relaxed, and journaled! The weekend before was VERY people-y, and I was exhausted the Monday afterwards, so I knew that last wknd had to be very, well, no t people-y. I didn't even go to church on Sunday! I was VERY ready to get back to work on Monday, I think in part b/c I was on my own for a good part of the wknd. This weekend is going to be a mix of people, and being alone, so that should be, well, a good mix :)

I will try to post more on the weekend!!

I don't have a picture/graphic of the other Friday blog-hop that I link up with (I used to follow 5 or 6, but they have either stopped doing the link up, or they have stopped the series altogether), so here is the other blog that I link up with on Fridays (when I do the link ups, that is!). Go and link up on/at/with Bright on a Budget for your FoF :)

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Apparently I missed commenting on this one or maybe I did, but it didn't take. Glad your school is almost done now.

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