So, I ask the question. What do you do when things you used to enjoy no longer bring you as much fun, joy, or relaxation? Do you quit doing them? Do you do them differently? Do you stop doing them for awhile, and then pick them up a few weeks or months?
What does it mean when these things no longer give you (or spark!) joy? Does it mean that it is the end of a season/era for you? Does it bother you when this happens? What do you do? Do you start another hobby/business?
To be honest, I am kind of bothered that these don't bring me joy. I have been journalling since I was 12 or 12. I have gone through A LOT of journals! And yes, I keep them! I used to journal about once a week. The last time I journaled was 2 months ago. I used to LOVE journaling. It gave me peace, calm, and clarity (that sounds so New Agey!). There is something fulfilling about writing down your thoughts, desires, dreams and your day to day things. Now? I wouldn't say that I couldn't be bothered, but there always seems that there are things I want to do MORE. Like today, I went to Starbucks to get grab a mocha, and I had every intention of journalling. But, what did I do? I picked up a magazine!
I used to love blogging! I just have felt "bleh" in that department. The words and subjects don't seem to come as easy as they used to. No one wants to read; I rarely get comments; and NO ONE wants to give me free stuff! Ha!!!! I don't feel that I have found that niche in the blogging world. It was infertility, but who wants to hear about that all the time? I have a general reading blog, and I think it is OKAY, but not great. I only have 38 followers. and only a few read each of my posts. So, I kind of am bummed about it, and I am stumped as to where I should "go" with this blog. or if I should even just throw in the towel, and forget it. I DO like writing, which is why I have kept up this blog for so long. I like "meeting" new people through blogiverse, and IG world. I also want to encourage others who may not have things "perfect", and who maybe don't have life all figured out.
Like most things (cleaning, exercise), once I get into doing it, I generally enjoy it, and I often end up doing more (reading, cleaning, journalling, exercising) than I initially planned on doing. And once I start doing those things, I am thinking, "why don't I do this (whatever it might be) more often?". There is something relaxing about journalling, blogging, and reading.
IG is another area where I used to really like it (and I still do, I guess), but I am feeling a bit discouraged by it. Yes, it is ONLY Social Media, and probably the least "important" of all the things that like to do, but I really had hoped to have a few more people following (only 1500, but I guess it's better than 38 blog followers!!!), and I had hoped to have had a few collaborations and sponsors by now (I guess that is the same with my blog as well). I tend to post ANYTHING (well, mostly) and EVERYTHING, and I also tag a lot of businesses, in hopes of getting some "sponsored" posts. Yah, no..nothing yet! As with blogging, I don't really have a niche in the IG world. I don't have kids; I am not into fitness; I am not young and hip; I don't really even do makeup lives anymore (But I think I will start doing that again). I don't have a business or a "brand". I just am an ordinary person living an/her ordinary life. I do try to be real and honest in my posts; I can't stand prefect-perfect people! I actually blogged a bit about it here). So, maybe that can be my thing? Being honest, open, and real? :) Hmmm.....:)
I have, however, given myself grace when it comes to these things. I have tried to not let it worry me too much. Other than the journalling (which actually does kind of bother me, as that I sort of part of who I am), I haven't really given myself a TOO hard a time when it comes to (not) doing these things. I think it is just the time and season that I am not feeling into doing these things. The time where maybe God is saying to let go, and not worry about it, or to focus on other things. Or just to let them be; let myself go, and not be bothered or pressured into do these things. Like most things in life...they disappear for awhile, then you bring them out/up again (or you don't like/like something again) keeps changing, WE keep changing. I guess I have to roll with it :)
1 comment:
I found out I had missed this one. I have so many hobbies, but I go in streaks of what I’m really into. Even the things I’m passionate about, I can fall into ruts and lose motivation. Having goals helps a lot. I take breaks, sometimes unintentionally, but then it can be hard to get back into it. I hope you can find your niche.
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