Sunday, November 17, 2019

Remembrance Day Long Wknd Wrap Up

Hola! I really haven't felt much like blogging lately, as I don't feel that I have a ton new to say. I don't work with any companies "reviewing" or "promoting" any brand or business, and we don't have kids, and I can only talk about infertility so much before people get tired of it! I love our life, but it's not super exciting! I talk about my work a bit, but there is only so much I can talk about that as well. I didn't do a Five on Friday post, which I might end up doing tonight (or tomorrow), or I might just wait and do it for this Friday.

Anyway, here is a weekend recap of what I/we did:

Anker, God bless him, didn't do a whole lot. He did a bit of cleaning, and stayed home (as he usually does this time of year), and worked on his electronic stuff. We had a few little talks, which was nice.

Wednesday Evening: After work, I can't remember what I did. I think I went to the library, and ran some errands, and then I came home and relaxed. I think my neighbour, Emily, and I had a movie night, but I can't remember.

Thursday: We had PD day, which was good, and I was able to bookmark some websites on my laptop when I got home, so I will be able to refer back to them later. I went to get our winter tires on our car, and wandered around Canadian Tire while I waited. As I was coming home, I started feeling like a had a sore throat was coming on. I hoped that it wasn't going to say very long, or get worse, and I made cookies. I went to my other neighbour's house for tea and cookies. As I was finishing with her, I started getting REALLY tired! I had a bath, put some oil in my diffuser, and I drank some tea right before I went to bed.
Diffusing my oil and drinking my tea :)

Friday: I had plans on going to see my aunty June this wknd, as I and invited myself to her house, to hang out together, watch movies, and relax. When I was growing up, I spent A LOT of time at her house; staying over night, having tea parties, etc. I even would go there after I grew up! I got married, and then she got married a few years back, and then that never happened again. Her husband died last month, so this would be the first time that I had stayed over there in YEARS! I woke up at 9 or so, and I felt HORRIBLE! Looking back, I think it was some sort of 12 or 24 bug. I called her to tell her that I for sure wouldn't be coming (I had called her Thursday to let her know that I wasn't feeling well). I was REALLY sad, but I had hoped that I could go up on Saturday. I ended up relaxing, watching tv, and drinking tea. All.Day.Long. And I wasn't super sad about it (well, not sad about the relaxing part). I got feeling better mid-afternoon, and I got dressed, and I went to the library. I hung out there for awhile, and I ran an errand or two, and then I came back home, and I resumed the previous position of lying on my bed and watching TV :)

It is now Saturday, November 16th....:)

Saturday: I slept in (I think?), and I just relaxed for most of the day. I think ran out and I did an errand or two, and then I came home for a bit to grab a few things, including a bday gift, as I was going to my friend's birthday dinner. I had a fun time, and I came home around 10. I went to bed, and I think I fell asleep hard!

Sunday: I went to church, and then grabbed McD's for dinner. I came home and hung out for most of the day. I went for a walk with my neighbour, and then I spent the rest of the evening watching Christmas movies along with a big bowl of popcorn!

Monday: I think I woke up late, and I spent a good part of the day in my PJs. I watched movies, and laid on my bed #nojudgement #noshame. I also made a couple of phone calls. I had tea with Krystle for an hour at around 4. I am not sure what I did afterwards. I might have gone and run an errand or two. In the evening, Emily and I watched a movie. We started watching Aladdin, and we were both tired, so we finished it up the next night. I really enjoyed the movie for the most part. It is a bit scary in parts, so maybe kids under 5 might not enjoy it, but I think they did a great job with it!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

I hope you feel better quickly and that you can reschedule staying over with your Aunt.

A Little Catch Up & A Small Rant(and a Surprise!)

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