Saturday, June 8, 2019

Three Dates, Two Weekends, and (Less Than!) One Month Left!

Hi, Friends!

Yes, I am STILL around! I haven't been good and keeping up with this little space of mine. If you want to see what I have been up to lately without having to read a bunch of drivel, then, head on over to my IG Page to/and have a look!

So, what have I/we been up to? A lot, yet not a lot at the same time! I will try to fill you in on what has been happening since I last posted :)

First off, there is less than ONE MONTH LEFT of school! Can I get an AMEN? I am one tired CEA!!! I love my job, but I am SO looking forward to a break! That being said, though, I really cannot complain that much, as this week (and even last) have been pretty easy. We are swimming in the afternoons, so that is pretty fun. I have a few things lined up this summer, and I happy to have a change of/in pace. I had hoped to go to Calgary for a couple of weeks, but I don't think that will happen now. I might go at the end of the summer, for a few days, but I will see what happens!

Next up is about my wknds: I find that I will have one busy, then one restful weekend, which have been nice. It is kind of nice to have a mix of busy and rest/quiet, especially during this time of year (in the winter, though I like to be busy, I like to stay home a bit more).

This last weekend was a busy one! Friday night, I went with my friend to our school's production of "Alice in Wonderland". It was ok, but I was tired, and the gym was hot. We grabbed a drink (yay for McDs' $1 drinks!) and drove around the park. I dropped her off, and went home and can't remember what I did. I think I went to bed early, as I was SO tired! Saturday, I relaxed in the morning, and I was craving French Toast, so I made and had that, and then Anker and I had a few things to do, and he dropped me off downtown, as I was helping at a Christian Music Festival called Rise. This was the first outdoor one (they had an indoor concert last year of the same name), that they have had (and I think that Kamloops has had), and it was awesome! I was at my school's tent (we had an info tent up) for an hour, and then I wandered around for a bit, and then I went to help out doing the lyric slides for the various bands. I wish I could have spent more time actually listening to them, and I could have relaxed a bit more, but I still had a great time, and I think it went really well! I hope they do it again next year! I got a ride home with my brother, and then, I ended up having dinner with them. Adam drove me home, and then I had a bath and went to bed. I was exhausted! Sunday, I actually WANTED to go to church, despite my being busy all day the day before, and I am SO GLAD I did, as they. needed me for lyric slides there as well. After church, I went to the park for a bit, and I read. Then Anker and I went to A and K's for supper that evening. It was supposed to be a goodbye dinner for S and N (my brother and SIL), as they were headed to Oregon to start their new adventure! They ended up changing their plans, but we went ahead with the dinner without them. We had a nice time, but we were both tired. We left at 6 (we ate at 4), and we came home and I watched TV and hung out. We didn't sleep well, as our neighbours got a bit loud. Thankfully, they quietened down soon after.

Two weekends ago, I had needed a weekend of rest, as the weekend prior had been busy (I am writing my life out of order, but I will write about our Victoria Day Long Weekend soon, I hope!), and I just needed some down time. I had asked Anker to go out with me, but he didn't want to go, so I went alone. Mom and Dad were on the Island visiting my brother and his family, so it was a perfect getaway for me! I had decided to take the Friday the 24th off, and I really am glad I did, as I needed it! I slept in, relaxed, I spent time in the garden/backyard for a good part of the morning/early afternoon! I read, and ate breakfast :) Yum! I think I ran some errands, and then I went to my parents' for the weekend. Anker was more than welcome to come with me, but he wanted to stay at home. I just hung out, relaxed, ate food, relaxed some more, and did some visiting. It was SO MUCH FUN!!!! I made some yummy meals, too! Friday night, I cooked up some mutton chops, and then next night, I made some Mandarin Orange Chicken. I watched TV/moves, and I enjoyed having the bed all to myself. I went to church on Sunday, and got ready to leave, as I had to be back into town for about 5, as we girls were having our BBQ! We had a wonderful time, the food, and company were wonderful, and I was (almost!) ready for the new week!

Anker and I have been on a few dates together, and it has been lovely! We have had 3 "big dates", and a few "small dates". The Friday before Mother's Day, we went to our local Mexican Fast Food Place, and it was SO GOOD! We went grocery shopping (!), and to the dollar store. The next day, we went to the 4th Annual Green Living Expo. We also went to a couple of garden places, and to a local bakery for a snack. We have been to Erwin's Bakery before, and they are really good! Anker loves their meringues. We also went to Art Knapps Garden, and Purity Feed to look for some gardening items (we didn't find a ton, but we found a few things). We got our A/C fixed in our car (yay for buying that $1100 warranty!), so we only had to pay $100, vs nearly $1000! We grabbed a coffee at Starbucks, then Anker got his hair cut. We went to the dollar store, and then to our local thrift store to see what was "new". Anker found a pair of pants, which he always finds challenging in finding a pair that fit him, so we called that a win-win! We went back to the the place, and we got our car :) Yes!! We love our A/C!!! A week or so ago, we went on a Doctor Date :) We went to the doctor (where we also found out that he is closing his practice!), and then grabbed pizza at Fresh Slice, and it was DELISH!!! We have been there twice, and so far, it is a 2 out of 2!!! We walked around, and then we got ice cream from Scoops Ice Cream Parlour, and we wandered around the park. We had a great evening together!!! We also have had some smaller dates....on Victoria Day Monday, we ran a few errands, and then visited Adam and the boys at the park. The other day, we went for a drive, and we grabbed a dollar drink and we visited the ducks. There was the day that we got rid of our Taurus, and we did the paperwork for that, and cancelled the insurance, though I wouldn't call that a date, so much as running errands :) And he also drove me to the park last weekend, so before that, we ran a couple of errands, so I call that a date :)

That is all for now!! I will post a few pictures, but like I said, head on over to my IG or FB accounts to find out more about what we have been up to!

                                             I enjoyed a lovely brunch the other morning :)

                     The sunset while we were at the park the other week :) It was so beautiful!
                                    I got Raspberry Cheesecake and Belgian Hazelnut. Wow!!!
                         My dinner at Senor Froggy! Yum!!! I will be getting these babies again!!!
                                                    The sunset at home is like no other :)

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Very nice and a lot of stuff going on! :) Since I've been sick for over a week at the point of reading this, it reminds me of how much I miss going out to do stuff instead of staying in all day and night. Good update post. :)

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