Monday, April 30, 2018

Weekend at the Ranch

Last wknd, I went to the ranch, as I hadn't been there since Christmas, and it was lambing season (when all the ewes have their babies), and I wanted get in on it before it was over. This will mostly be a picture post, as I really didn't do a whole ton.

Friday: I came home, grabbed my stuff, ran some errands, and left. Anker wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home. I was a bit bummed, but when he is feeling bad, it is better for him to stay home than to be around people. There was construction on the road, but I didn't get delayed (I did, however pick up a screw somewhere along the way!). Once a month, the church has a movie night. Mom and Dad were going, and they told me they were, but I didn't think I was going to go, as I had seen the movie before (which normally doesn't stop me, but I didn't know if I wanted to be around people). I went and I really enjoyed watching the movie (Miracles from Heaven) again, and I even got a free copy of it (and Heaven is For Real)! We came home, Dad, V, I, and myself had a visit, which was fun. I went to bed, didn't sleep well, b/c of my having caffeine later in the day.

Saturday: I woke up at 9, and I did various things. I ate breakfast, hung out and had a nice visit with Mom, looked at the lambs, wandered around, went inside, as it was cold, went back outside, visited with people (we have people who come and see the lambs, and 4 different families that I knew came down, so I visited with them), wandered around the ranch, and helped Mom make supper, had supper, and then we watched some TV(not necessarily in that order). I went to bed late again, but I did sleep a bit later.

Sunday: Slept in, ate, got ready, church. I left shortly after church, and went back out. I visited with whoever was around, took pics, went back to the house, got ready to go; had Dad put more air in my tire, had tea and a visit around 5, and then came home. I ran a few errands, and got a pizza and got home around 8. It was a nice few days at the ranch, and we were going to back this last wknd, but we decided against it.

Ok...I wrote more than I thought I was going to :)

Here are some pics from the wknd: I did post most of the on my IG go and take a look :)

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