Friday, April 27, 2018

Random Ridiculousless

Yes, I am still alive :) I hope you had a great week! I cannot believe that is almost MAY!!! Then, after May, it is my birthday month!!! I should probably do a Five on Friday Post, and I still might, but here are some randoms from the last while.

Only 7 more weeks of school!!! I cannot wait!!!
I got our tires changed the other day...only $565. Yes, we are happy. And also happy that we were able to save some money for things like that.
Spring has arrived, y'all! It was 27C today!!! It was HOT!
Our class went on an hour walk on Wednesday, and it was GORGEOUS!!!!
We adulted HARD and bought a 5 cubic foot freezer! We LOVE IT! We are hoping that we can spend less money on eating out, and eat healthier. Let's hope!
Anker and I have had a few day/errands dates lately. Now that it is nice outside, he doesn't mind being out as much. He has been out in the yard lots. He is excited about the garden. He planted it the end of March.
I went to the ranch last wknd. Anker wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home. I had a nice time away.
How many weeks of summer (off from/of school) do you all have? We have 9. Yay!!!
Can we just talk for a moment on how distressed jeans, short-shorts, and patterned pants just shouldn't be worn. AT ALL? I don't understand the look of distressed/ripped jeans. One or two holes is fine (MAYBE), but more than that? It just makes the person looks sloppy and unprofessional. Patterned pants....just shouldn't be worn. I don't care if you are super-skinny. They just make your butt look...busy! Short-Shorts? Ummm...just say no, kids! Unless you are with your husband on a beach somewhere, leave them at the store (and sew them too the distressed jeans!)!!!
I finally caved and got a phone the other day. My old one couldn't hold a charge, and I was tired of dealing with it. I got a Samsung Galaxy S8, and I am really liking it. I also spent nearly $100 in getting an extra charging cord, a case, and tempered glass as protection. There was a 20% discount if I bundled all three, and since the guy who works there knows me, he gave me one of those button things that go on the back for free.
I started watching I, Tonya, the other day, and I got half way through it, and I stopped it. It was too much swearing. I have a bunch of movies (DVDs) that I got from the library that I need to watch. I might watch one or two this week.
I also managed to get a screw in our tire on the way there, and thus, I got a flat tire. Anker fixed it himself, then he took it to the tire place, where they fixed it for free. I love it when he does "manly" things for me :) It makes me feel loved and cherished.
My mom and dad bought me some earrings while they were in Mexico, and I love them! I mean, I have had them for awhile now, but I am wearing them during my InstaStory today, so I am sure that you all are wondering :)
Will and Kate their baby on Monday, and once again, she has proved that she is NOT HUMAN :) She left the hospital about five minutes having him. I actually posted something about on my FB page about why she left to go home early, and it makes sense. What do you think of his name? Louis Arthur Charles. Why must they use the names that their kids have already used?
We had Greek Chicken Wraps tonight for supper. They were SO GOOD!!
I cannot find my capri pants that I have had the last few years. I am very sad. I LIVE in Capri pants, as I am not a shorts person. I guess I have to go shopping this weekend!
I bought some runners the other day, and they said that I could come in a week or so, and get some money back. Well, I got 20% on top of the 20% off!! I got $40 back!!! I was so happy!
Do you have any Friday/weekend routines? What are your routines after work/picking up the kids after school? I usually go to the library, and now that it is nice, I might go to the park. I might run some errands, and then come home. I usually will watch tv. I will either make, or help make supper, and sometimes I will clean up after supper. And then I will watch TV. I have been having a bath at night, especially when I wasn't feeling well. Then I put in either Friends or Big Bang, and head to bed.
I have been feeling a bit better lately. I see the specialist on Wednesday. I am really curious as to what he will say.
My plans for the wknd are to go to the Green Expo tomorrow, and maybe to the local ice cream shop that I think is opening tomorrow, journal, blog, watch tv, read mags, enjoy being outside, go to church, and maybe make cookies. I am kind of wanting some more cookies to take to school. Also, our neighbours are moving, so I want to give them some going away cookies.
How many weeks off of/from school do you have? We have about 9 weeks off. When do your kids (or you) finish school for the summer? When do they go back?
I actually kind of miss exercising. I might start up again next wk, now that I am feeling a bit better. Even if I just do the recumbent bike and some weights.
I went to/for coffee with a friend the other day. It was nice.
I went to my uncle's funeral the other week. It was nice to see family.
Anker and I tried EDO Japan (which just opened in our area of town) the other night. It was really good, and I would go back.
Have I mentioned that I am addicted to doing InstaStories? Yup...I love it!!! It's like doing a Vlog :)

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