I wasn't going to go to church today, as hubby woke up with a sore chest wall (he has this happen before), but I wanted to give a card and a gift to some friends, and I went.
I got there late, and I was planning on leaving before the sermon, but I decided to stay. The sermon was very good, and it "got" me, which was what I needed.
Our pastor talked about how down pipes (eaves troughs) can clog due to leaves, dirt, etc, and when they clog, rain gets clogged, and it isn't free to drain, etc.
When our "troughs" are clogged, we aren't fee to do what God wants us to do; live for Him, serve Him, etc. He preached from Genesis 26:16-25. He talked about Isaac, who was told by Abimelech to go and find another well, as he was becoming too powerful for them (The Phillistines). So after digging three or four wells, and the people of that area saying that their water was theirs, he found one that he could call his own. The last one Rehoboth, he declared "Now the Lord has given us room, and we will flourish in the land".
The point of this? Get rid of the "stuff" that impedes of serving God. So many times "stuff" can interfere with how we live our life, and I thought of myself, and how I am living (or not) to MY (and God's) fullest. I have been thinking about the fact that I won't ever be a mom, and to be honest, I think it is impairing my life. Yes, I pray A LOT about what God wants me (us) to do in life. I KNOW God wants LOTS for us, but I think deep down, I am not letting Him do what He wants...I am not letting Him do His work (work for Him). I was talking to my mom some similar stuff earlier this week. I think I have some bitterness towards the fact that we can't have kids. My mom pointed that out, and I think she is right. So, I have been thinking about that a lot this week. I think I am letting Him guide me (I hope!), but I think that deep down, there is a part of me that won't let go (of the fact that we can't have kids). I hope I am making sense..
Anyway...here were the three points of what he brought up...stuff that we can learn from this passage..
Move On - Get back to Living...
Yes, there is a time to mourn, but after awhile (yes, I realize that everyone is different..I don't think he is asking, nor do I think God is expecting us to...forget what we have lost, or forget our circumstances. He wants to get out of the plugged down pipe(or well) and free ourselves from the stuff that plagues us, and live our life.
Make Adjustments- Return to Faith, Get back to God...
We have to make adjustments to and for our circumstances. They had to LEAVE where they were. Why? Because they were bogged down..they were too powerful to do any good where they were. What is bogging you down? Do you have to get rid of things, or accept the things in your life currently (this is what I got out of it, anyway)?
Meet God-ReDig the well.
How many wells did they have to dig? A few. How many times did they have to leave? A few:) My point? We have to re-dig a new and clean well, so that we can live and serve God.
I hope this makes sense. It did to me. I felt feeling and KNOWING that I had to "get rid of stuff", and re-dig a new well.
Ok...I got spend time with Bebop and his mommy today. We went to Target, and went to Timmy's for a coffee. He is such a stinker. I got some cute pics of him. I came home, made supper (we had rice noodles in place of spaghetti-big mistake), ate supper, did dishes, and got on the computer for the first time after 7pm. I am watching movies starring Kate Hudson tonight, and hubby has fallen asleep on the couch. I should be doing a short love story for our family's website on my g-parents' love story, but I haven't even started on it yet, and mom wants it tomorrow.
Oh..I have a funny story to leave you with. Wednesday afternoon, after doing an interview and dropping about 100 resumes (ok, not that many, but I handed out a lot), I came home, only to find out that my blouse was on inside out. True Story.
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