Saturday, December 17, 2016

Feeling Like A Hermit

I have always been a social person. I love people, I love going out for coffee, visiting with friends, etc. The last few years, however, I have been definitely been staying in more...and by more, I mean, actually MORE. Maybe Anker is rubbing off on me, I think. LOL. (he could honestly stay inside 360 days of the year, and not be bothered to get out). I DO get out, of course. I have a job. I run errands. I go to church (sometimes). But I definitely have been staying in more. It helps that our noisy neighbours have left (I never wanted to be home, as they were pretty noisy). At night, I come home, and pretty much don't move from the bed until bedtime. I think it has to do with it being winter; cold and or snowy. My job is awesome, but it is very taxing, so I often don't feeling like relating to/with others at the end of the day. I did get out twice last wk (for the Christmas concert), and other than errands, I didn't go anywhere. I had a few invites to places, but, because of the weather and the road conditions, I chose to not go to them (H's concert at church, and something else that I can't remember). I had a friend drive me to my SIL's place for the party last Friday, as I wasn't sure on how the roads would be. Today, I picked up my brother from the airport, and I was supposed to take him up to A and Ks, so that our other brother and his wife could take him, it was mostly to do with the roads (it started snowing about 2 this afternoon), but in all honesty, I didn't really feel like hanging out with people (yes, even my SIL) for a few hours. I did enjoy time with my brother, which was nice; we went to McD's and he had supper, while I had a hot chocolate. But I was tired, and I couldn't wait to come home and watch movies. I AM looking forward to hanging out with church family tomorrow...I am in the nursery, and K and I may hang out after. I also DID go to H's school concert a week and half ago, and afterwards, we hung out at their house for a bit. K invited me to something up at their church; they have a dessert night every year around Christmastime...I have been before with my friend Jill.I was kind of wanting to go, but I knew my week was going to be busy; in the end, Anker and I had doctors' appointments, and we ran a few errands together, and we got home around 7. Anyway...I am finding that I am wanting to go out less and less at night. And on weekends. Ha! Or, maybe I am just more choosy, as to who I spend time with, and where I go.

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