New Shirt
My friend bought me a new shirt for my birthday, and I love it! The picture that I have here doesn't do it justice, but it is the only one I that's the one you'll get! It is purple and long, and roomy. Love it.
New Sandals
I bought a pair off sandals from off of one of the bidding sites a couple of wks ago. They were 5 bucks, and I love them...but man, are they ever uncomfortable! Oh well....they are pretty!!!
Hallmark Movies
I am on a serious Hallmark Movie kick right now. I am not even sure on how I got it...I think I just saw a few sitting on the library shelf, and I got them, and then I realized/remembered on how cheezy, but fun they are!! I may or may not have reserved them all from the library.
Free Date with Hubby
Anker and I went on a FREE dinner date a couple of wks ago. Dinner and pop/coffee were included. It was SO fun! And how can you beat free??
VBS is this week!! We are doing Group VBS' Cave Quest. The first day was today, and it was awesome!!! Cannot wait to see what this week brings. I haven't helped the last few years, and I actually kind of missd it. Hubby (usually) does the stage/backdrop stuff (at least a good part of it...a lot of ppl pitch in), and I help during the week with being a crew leader. I also got roped into helping with the work bee, which was actually kinda fun!!
Yay for a new shirt. Hate that the shoes are uncomfortable. And your VBS looks awesome!!!
BTW, you're our featured blogger for H54F tomorrow! Can you email us a high-resolution pic to use? Also, we ask that your post go live by 8 am eastern time and that you mention you're the featured blogger:)
Hi Tif...I tried to email you, but the email addy wouldn't work...i left a comment on your blog. Thank you for visiting, and for featuring me!!
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