I was hoping to post a bit about Pregnancy and Infant Loss last month (I actually found out that October is designated to that half way through), but i just kept forgetting. Oh well, better late than never, right?
So, October was designated PL&IL month. I guess that Oct 15 was the designated day. Canada's Infertility Week is in May. Anyway, I wanted to do a short blog about it, since I follow a few ladies who have lost babies; whether it be through miscarriage, stillbirth, or have died shortly after. My mom is also one who has suffered pregnancy loss. She had 7 or 8 miscarriages (this also means that I have 7 or 8 siblings in heaven..yay! I hope I have at least another sister waiting for me up there..lol). My cousin also lost a baby this spring. I have never suffered a pregnancy and/or an infant loss (that I know of), but like I said, I have several family members, and friends who have. It is heartbreaking, and it isn't "just a miscarriage" (or "just a stillbirth", etc). I watched "Return to Zero" (again) the other day. It always breaks my heart when I watch this. The couple suffered so much, no one (including themselves) understood it. It nearly wrecked their marriage.
Like infertility, it is a subject that has been deemed "taboo" to talk about. No one really discusses it. No one wants to. Too many women (and men) have suffered in silence, without being able to grieve or talk about it. I find this heartbreaking, and so not ok. It needs to be brought up and out into the open. People need to talk about it. People need to know that it's ok to properly mourn the loss of their little one.
I am glad that awareness groups bring this to light. It is getting better, but we are still not there yet. I hope that in time, it will be a less taboo subject. I hope that people won't talk about this in hushed tones, or behind closed doors. I am thankful that there are Bible studies on this (same with infertility), to help heal people's hearts. I am thankful that there are FB groups and pages about this. The church on the whole is getting better at recognizing it, but they still have a ways to go.
I know that people have shared some posts last month, but I didn't save any of them...so here is one I got from one of the pages. Their campaign slogan is #1in4isme. I am not sure if it is 1 in 4 in the US, or Canada, or N. America, but regardless, the number it too high.
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