Well, if you have been following or reading my blog for the last while, you know how much I love Link ups/Blog hops! I love meeting people, and I must confess, it is a way for people to see my blog, and to get my blog out, but I DO love "meeting" people, and following their blogs. So, I have two fairly new, and brand new link ups that I am going to join today. I am also going to do LAST weeks wrap up:)
I know how much you all love and are anxiously awaiting these updates:)
I felt bad writing such a negative post, when in reality, my week, and weekend (well, until Sunday night was actually pretty good! I went out a fair amount, worked, and did as little house work as possible:)
So, starting last Monday (Aug 19), the store was closed, so I had that day off, which I really needed (although the day before, we just hung out all day, which was nice, too). I relaxed in the morning, and I went to C0stco to get gas (since it was the cheapest in the city), and to get a few things. I love that store, but because it is just the two of us, I don't go as often as most other people do. I love that they have books, magazines, and movies that are (for the most part) cheaper than other stores. I also went to the mall, and resisted the urge to buy some cute sheep PJ's:) Just hung out and relaxed in the evening.
Tuesday, I stayed home, and waiting for my parents to call, as I had a gift for Dad (his bday was earlier this month), and I wanted to give mom her and V's gift. We all met at Wendy's and had coffee, Fr0sty's and a Frosty Milkshake. I dropped off hubby, and went to work. Came home and watched tv.
Wednesday, I went to the beach. I haven't gone a lot this summer, so I wanted to get at least one more time in. I got there around 11, and there was no one there. I had a great time, reading, swimming, and relaxing in the sun. You can read about my full days adventures Here. We also went to ReStore, and to Home Depot. In the evening, we had nachos, soft cider (my new fav drink) and watched Big Bang:)
After HD, I made hubby take me out for coffee:) Yummy!
Thursday, I went to C0sto again, as my former classmate works there, and I wanted to say hi. We hung out for a few minutes, while she was on her break. I got fries and a pop. To be honest, I can't remember if I went home or if I went somewhere else before work. I went to work, and I came home. I know I grabbed some snacks at 7-11 for my supper. It was my last day at work (again), and it felt odd (again!), that I wasn't coming back on Monday. I just relaxed in the evening.
Friday, I went to C0stco, to get gas (again, cheapest in the city) and to get my magazines, as they are cheaper than the other stores (by a buck, or sometimes more). Since Starbucks wasn't in my budget (BOO), I went to McD's and I got a $1.77, since I had a coupon for a $1 off. Cheap, right? I journalled, and read my mags:) Fun times. I dropped some resumes, off, and came home and hung out at home. I know, exciting Friday night, right? I do lead such a gripping and wild life:)
(FYI: Since I am at work, this can often take longer than normal to post...it suddenly got busy in here today...and it has taken over an hour for me to do this up)
Saturday, I went for coffee with my girls from church. I ran a few errands, and hubby and I went to our city's museum. It was only $3 each to get in, so it is a cheap date. We spent an hour looking around, and had a great time. We went for coffee, and hung out in the evening. We just watched various shows on TV together, which was nice.
Our Cheap coffee date together:)
The museum:)
Sunday, we went to church, and I dropped of hubby, and I went to my friends bday party. We had a great time together, eating, laughing, waging war on the wasps. The meal was great, the cake was even better:) And the fellowship was the BEST! It was a beautiful sunny day, and we sat outside (hence the wasps) on her lovely deck.
The yummy dinner. Garlic Bread, Ceaser Salad, and Lasagna. Thanks, Costco!
The oh-so-yummy Tuxedo Cake:)Yes, it was DELISH!
I also tried Hummus for the first time (I am having problems uploading my pics ATM, so I will have to forgo that this round), and they brought over a great parmesan dip, that was oh so yummy! We had chips as appies, yummy!
On my way home, I spent some time in the park, reading in the sun:)

Sunday evening was when things went downhill. Hubby got all upset, due to plans not panning out, so he was grumpy. I went to talk to my friend and neighbour, and she took me out for Starbucks:) The evening kind of resolved itself. I stayed in our room and watched TV.
I think I will do this week over the wknd, as I am having problems uploading pics, and it has taken me 3 hours as it is to write this out:) And I am work, so I should get some work-type things done:)
I am looking forward to the Long Wknd. I am going to try to squeeze out the last bit of summer.
Happy Wednesday!
Linking up with:
I joined the Wildcard Hop and am following all the ways you had on your blog. http://paulams.weebly.com/1/post/2013/08/bizark-deal-cute-yellow-mini-ducks-bathtub-swimming-ducks-review.html
I think we are all trying to squeeze the last bit of summer out of the season.
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