Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans/Life Lately/Misc Monday

Happy Monday!! I hope everyone had a good wknd. Mine was pretty good!!

Friday; I spent the last of my (our) money on a 7-11 coffee. Let me tell you, 7-11 PSL's are actually pretty good! And a lot cheaper than Starbucks:) So, I went to work, and had a quiet day, and then ran some errands; I checked on my mags that I couldn't buy (BOO!), and went to our Associate Pastor's wife to talk about the Sunday School Program. I had fun playing with her little boys:) They are so sweet. We ended up getting invited out to dinner with our friends/mentors for a belated bday dinner for Anker. We had a great supper and chat. Went home, and hung out, then our neighbour asked if I wanted to go to W!nners. We had a nice time wandering around. Came home and relaxed and went to bed.

Saturday; Relaxed in the morning, and then met up with my Avon Mentor to chat about how to build my business
She bought me a Timmie's coffee. Isn't that sweet? I then went and met up with my coffee ladies. One of the girls bought me an iced tea. We had a nice chat, and I came home, fully intending to have a nap. Instead, we watched some of Skating on TV, and I did my nails in some Nail Art (Which I already have shown on here)
I still have a few of them on my nails, and it has been over 48 hours, so they aren't that bad, really.
Around 4o'clock, we went to our church's fall fair. I dressed up as a pumpkin. Well, I didn't dress up as a pumpkin as much as I had pumpkin colours on:)
You can't tell from this picture, but my pants are green. I am also wearing my pumpkin socks.

Usually each year our church holds some kind of Halloween/Hallejuah party in or around Halloween. The last couple of years, however, they have gone one up, and made it more of a fair, with booths, and popcorn, slushies, etc. I think they had 150 last year, and probably around the same this year. We have 4 churches (including our) that meet in our building (at different times and in different rooms), and last year one other church joined us, and this year, another church (different) church joined in with us. It was a great time. I was almost sad to leave in the middle of it.
The fall fair was a blast!
I was put in charge of the Pumpkin Carving Booth


Here are some more pics from the fair.

                                                             Carnival food at it's best:)

                                      Several different booths were set up in the church foyer.
Planko and Fish Pond.

Putt-Putt Golf (I manned this last year).
Around 6:30, I went to my mom's Book Launch. I told them I could come, but only if they bought me a drink:) It was a fun evening (Anker stayed back at the church, as he was in charge of the fireworks).
It was held at Earl's. She had her banner up and everything:)

                                                        Sante Fe Chicken Salad. Yum.
Everyone who was there:)

One of my mom's best friend on her left, and Dad's cousin (and Mom's friend) to her right.

Dad making his speech.

Mum and Me:)

The oh so yummy cheesecake:)

Mom and her book:) And yes, we took this in front of the fire outside the restaurant.
This is her book up close.
The party went until 8:30, then I went back to the church to pick up hubby, and we went home. We just relaxed in the evening.
Sunday, I went to church, and came home and made some lunch. I am trying to be creative and semi healthy on what food we have left.
I came up with this for Sunday lunch. It was ok; not great.
It was kind of like a Goolash. Yum.
We spent the rest of the day watching movies; The Kings Speech (we have it, but we borrowed my parents, as their copy has the extras), The Solist, and Taken. They were all good movies. I also started on Downton Abbey Season 3 last night. I am loving the season so far!
Linking up with Blair
Linking up with Carissa
And don't forget my Fall Followers Giveaway:) I am at 23 followers (Thanks to Cassie @ Take Two for being my most recent follower), and the 25th follower will get an Avon prize from me:)
I am really excited to expand my Avon business:) My mentor gave me some great ideas on where I can drop off brochures and Avon Business cards.
Today I spent some time driving Mom around town, so she could drop off some posters for her upcoming workshop related to her book.  I have to admit, I was a bit grumpy and frustrated when we started out (not because of that, just because of life in general), but after awhile, I started to get into it. Mom is going to be on TWO local radio shows in the next while talking about her book. Yay! I am so proud of her!! When we were done, Mom treated me to Starbucks, which always makes me happy. In fact, when we got inside, mom said "are you happy?" To which I replied "YES". haha.
  I came home to find hubby had already started supper. It wasn't a healthy (or Meatless Monday) supper, but it was good:)
Hot dogs and Fries.
Has anyone tried the GIRAFFE CHALLENGE on FB?
Here it is : 
I've changed my profile pic to a giraffe. I tried to answer a riddle and got it wrong. Try the great giraffe challenge!

So here's the rules. Answer the riddle. You get it right nothing changes. Get it wrong and you change your profile pic to a giraffe for three (3) days.

Here is the riddle!
3:00AM the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors, its your parents and they are there for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you open?

Message me your answers and see if you get to keep your profile pic on
There also is a donkey challenge going on as well:)
(FYI: this is why I don't often feel like blogging, as this took me over an hour to do).
Happy Monday!
As usual, I this is too long with too many sorry:(


Saturday, October 26, 2013


Happy Saturday/Sunday! I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Today was fun, but busy!

I thought I would do my TToT (or at least start on it) tonight.

1. Nail Deco Art.

 I got these a few weeks ago when I went to our district sales meeting, and I just now finally tried them on tonight. I thought I did pretty well for someone who has 1) put them on myself and 2) who has never had them on before. EVER.

2. My family and friends that bought coffee and dinner for me today.
We have NO MONEY for nearly another week. True story. I couldn't even buy my mags yesterday. It was a sad day. BUT today, I met up with three different people (for different events) and they all bought me coffee, iced tea and dinner. #thankful
3. I am growing more confident.
In order for me to grow my Avon business (more on that in another post, maybe), I have to be more confidant in asking people if they want brochures, or dropping off my business cards, etc. Today, after meeting with my Avon mentor (and new found friend), I decided to ask two ladies who were sitting at table behind if they wanted an Avon brochure. They both said YES, with enthusiasm:) I am normally not like that. I must be growing up:)
4. We haven't had any snow yet.
I am sure in some parts of B.C have had some (mountains) but we haven't got any. Love BC, and I love where we live!
5. Christmas is less than 2 months away.
I love Christmas. 'Nuff said. And most of my siblings all be together.
6. Awesome (even though they are dated) Shows, like FRIENDS.
There will never be another show like FRIENDS (well, there is usually not another show like another show, but you know what I mean). I love it. I am watching it at night as I go to bed. Love it! I am watching season 3 now. I think my fav is well, I can't even think of who my fav character is. I just love them all! Their lines are classic!! And yes, it is getting dated, but I think that is why I love it all the more.
7. We have awesome parents/friends/mentors/family for sounding boards.
I love having friends, family, parents, mentors that we can go to and ask for advice, or if we have an idea they can be a sounding board. I also love hearing their different ideas and answers/suggestions.
8. My (Little) Nieces and Nephew.
Yes, we actually have two nieces. I miss them all. I can't wait to see them again. I love it when Bebop calls. He and Adam called me ystrdy, but I missed it, so when I called them back, only Adam was around. Oh well...It was awesome talking to him. We usually connect about once a week.
9. My Siblings
This leads me to number 9. I LOVE my siblings! I miss them when I do see or talk to them. My lil brother told me that he love BBT, and we may have to sneak downstairs at Christmas to watch a few episodes:) I got to see my younger brother and his wife for awhile the other day. We had a nice short chat, and he bought me coffee (I am poor, remember?)
10. When I become "friends" with my aunts, uncles, friends mom's. etc.
Tonight at dinner, it struck me (tho not for the first time) on how neat it is to become "friends" with my relatives. It is so neat that ALL my aunts are now married, but tonight as was visiting with one of them at Mom's book launch (more on that in the WS post), that my aunt (among others) is in a way in the same place as me; we talked about s*x and realized that we are both in that place (yes, it had a bit of a yucky factor, but it was still neat). Also my mom's friend was there, and it was to talk to her on an adult level (yes, we have talked before, but I was again struck by that fact). I guess I am growing up!
Linking up with Liz @ Considerings

Friday, October 25, 2013

Five On Friday #2- Facebook/Pinterest Funnies

Someone last week was telling me that I should do a FoF on my favourite FB/Pinterest Funnies. Well, I completely forgot until AFTER I posted the first one. But hey, it's my blog, and if I have want to do multiple posts in one day, then why not? Since we have been able to "share" stuff on FB the last couple of years, and since I have joined Pinterest, I have found some oh - so- funny posts that really make me laugh...I don't know if I can narrow it down to just five, but I will do my best. So, in no particular (funny) order, here they are.. I will just let them speak for themselves...

                                                 Read this one backwards and forwards.

Someone shared this with me this morning. I laughed so hard.

One of my favourites.
Here is one that has been making the rounds on FB Lately; and the inspiration of this post;

Boys Behind the Blog #3

I am linking up with Mal today for Boys Behind the Blog Series. Since I am at work, I will have to call hubby, so please just bear with me while I get his answers:)

1. Describe yourself in 5 words.

2. What is your biggest fear?

3. What is your favorite candy?I
Licorice Allsorts, and Rockets

4. What was the best Halloween costume you've ever worn? (include pictures if you have them)
When I was a child, I made my own space costume, and I went as an Astronaut

5. Who is your favorite football team?
The BC Lions.

Five on Friday/Random 5/Show Us Your Life/Let's Be Friends Blog Hops

Happy Friday!!!  Yes, I am doing FOUR Blog hops today!!! I wasn't going to do the LBF one, but then I thought, "why not? It is only an extra link I have to post". I also decided to participate in SUYL this week as well.
So, let's get started!
1. I mentioned this yesterday, but I am grasping at straws for FoF this week, so I may be repeating myself a few times. My mom has written a book!! I am so excited to say that it's on Amazon! Since is a PG - Type title, I am going to include the link only. Go and take a look!!
2. I got (FINALLY!)  the third season of Downton Abbey. I haven't even begun to watch it yet. Hopefully, I will start on it in this wknd.
3. Speaking of this weekend, we are going to be SUPER BUSY tomorrow; or at least later tomorrow afternoon/evening. Our church is having our 2nd Annual (at least in name) Fall Family Fai. Last years was so much fun, and a ton of people came! It's a lot of work, but it is worth it. I will probably go sometime during the day to help set up, and then help manage the booths. Then half way through the evening, I have to run to check out Mom's Book Launch/Party. Should be a fun and crazy night!
4. We have no money. True Story. My younger brother and SIL were in town, and they bought me a PSL at Starbucks. SO good!! Oh, and we had a nice chat, too:) Then I stayed on after they left to read magazines from the library.
5.  I love fall. Most of this week we have been engulfed by fog. While I hate driving in it, I LOVE looking at it:) Here are a couple of pictures I took yesterday on my phone.

I love it!!! These pictures don't do it justice.
5.1. Again, I know I already said this in my WS link up post, but I went with my friend to see her mom and dad about a half hour away. The drive there and back was simply amazing!

Linking up with Nancy at A Rural Journal for this weeks Random 5 Friday.
1. A couple of opportunities have presented themselves to me (us) this week (well, actually yesterday). We are both excited about them. More to (maybe) come in another post.
2. I need to get some new underwear. I actually had none yesterday when I went to get dressed. I had to do a load of laundry yesterday morning, so that I had a pair to wear today. True Story.
3. We have no money until we get paid next Thursday. Another True Story. Not sure how that will work. I also won't be able to buy any magazines this week. I know. Sob Story.
4. The heat at work has gone. So, I was very cold yesterday. At least the fireplace works.
5. Anker has been dehydrating fruits the last week. Apples, grapes, plums. Yum!
5.1. I now have 21 Followers on my blog. So does my blogging friend Sky-Ann.

Linking up with Kelly this week for SUYL!
I haven't been participating lately in this link up, because simply put, I haven' been experience (or have experienced) (for lack of a better word), the subjects that she has been highlighting, which is totally ok! This week, however, I think I can participate, since I AM married! I have posted several times on the blog about our love story. If you spent a few hours minutes scrolling through the blog, you will surely come across it. But to sum it up, we met online, we met fast, we married fast. Yah, because we are fast like that:)
There are a few pieces of advice that I can give, especially to ones just starting out;
1. Marriage is NOT going to be perfect. It isn't going to look the same as your siblings, your parents, your next door neighbour (obviously, no hitting, or abuse or neglect  should EVER be involved! THAT IS NOT OKAY!). What works for them may not work for you, and vice versa. You are going to go through hard times. That is inevitable. It isn't going to look like your favourite actors/resses, or characters on your favourites shows. Unless you are wealthy, you won't be able to afford a nanny, a gardener, a chauffer, etc. You have to do most of it yourself. And it is hard! We live paycheque to paycheque. I have good friends who are MUCH more well off than we will ever be. And you know what? That's ok. That's just life. Of course, strive for more, but on the whole, embrace what you have (ok, I hate living PC to PC, and we are hoping that it will change soon, but I think you get what I am getting at).
2. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate! I cannot say enough about this. Spend time with each other. A LOT. William Harley in his book, His Needs, Her Needs recommends that a couple spends 15 hours a week ALONE with no interruptions. That means, no TV, no other couples, family, kids, etc. People say "we can't spend that much time together, we don't have the time". Quickly think of how much time you spend watching TV or being on the Net, or having girls night out? Maybe 15 hours IS too much time. For you. Maybe you can't physically make it happen. What about 8 hours a week? Heck, even 4! That is an hour after your kids (if you have any) 4 nights a week after you kids are in bed. So, I guess what I am trying to say at least try to spend time with your partner at least once a week talking. Hubby and I try, but we don't always succeed. A lot of times "date night" consists of MY making a dinner (or us getting taking out) and watching a movie. It isn't the best quality time, but at least we are together, and we will often spend time talking after the movie. The last few wks we haven't had a date night. We have spent time talking and being together (road trips, etc), so that is good, but we haven't spent a TON of time talking. This wknd isn't going to be much better, as either one or both of us are going to be busy for most of the day tomorrow, and into the evening; but we do what we can.
3. Marry someone who has at least some money! Trust me, it isn't everything, but it sure does help!!
That is my little piece of marriage advice:)

A Little Catch Up & A Small Rant(and a Surprise!)

Howdy! Well, as my aunt says, "I'm so far behind, I'm ahead", so I think I will take a page from her play book and just st...